HAPPY 2009!!!
Hehehheh, you all thought I wasn't going to do anything for my favorite holiday, didn't you? @___@ I was just waiting until near midnight (for me) to post it!
-___-' While making this, I had a fellow Vassalord reader look over my shoulder. When she saw the cherry on the cake, she pointed at me and told me I was a pervert.... Cherry = Charley = "Object of Affection" ... I meant for it to be symbolic, but not like that!! >__< I just put it there so I wouldn't have to draw him! (Can't draw blondes very well.)
I'm cursed... Instead of getting a "Happy New Year", I got "PERVERT".
*sigh* Whatever shall I do with my life?
I wish you all a very positive and a stress free year!
Not a bad wish for just pulling something out of my arse in the spur of the moment, neh?
-Shiroi & Kuroi