My first Vector submitted to the Fan Art Hub. Certainly not the first one I have ever done. I have plenty of Vectors I have done, so you will be seeing them posted here in the Fan Art Hub. Well… That is if they accept them *crosses fingers*.
In my Vectors you will notice I don’t stop at what is in the Scan or Film Cap. I will and do add to it IF I know how it is supposed to look. An artist I am not, so I am limited on what I can and will draw in an image. Sometimes I have to go looking for help, and if I post any Vectors that I received help on. My helper will be credited in the submission.
I will take request on Vectors. You can drop me a PM, Comment on one of my Vectors, or you can hit up my Request Shoppe world.
I hope ya’ll like it… Comments, Votes and Faves are always appreciated…