[ x ] - Scan I partially rendered
[ x ] - Bokeh Brushes
[ x ] - Glittery Smoke Brushes
Fonts are Precious and Trajan Pro, rainbow gradients used
Haha! Wow! This is colourful! Sorry for the ocular abuse but I saw this scan and shrieked, I loved the colour! So pretty. Decided to give it a bit of a magic feel so I erased the odd purple bits and poorly rendered this (I only did it enough so the stuff I didn't do wouldn't be seen against the white background). What can I say, I'm a stickler for shortcuts. I'm not going to deny it.
Okay! Challenge deets! I usually don't make my entries this quickly. Usually I store scans and force them out a week before the challenge ends but I guess this little beauty made me want to sit down and really really do this one right! Tons of layers, tons of colourations, tons of time! Hope there's enough of his suit visible so it's viable for the challenge and I thought the top hat was a nice touch :)
Oh dear I love Karneval artwork. Perhaps I'll make another entry and make it a bit more serious... maybe some sort of G-Man theme. Sounds like fun...
Deepest apologies to people I owe icon requests (to my knowledge I only have two, but still), I don't know what's wrong with me. Usually I got a request and completed it before the day's end, guess I was all icon'ed out! I haven't forgotten about you, either of you, your requests are still fresh in my mind (I hate to make excuses but this is becoming a trend) it's just... I have my Beta Reading gig that's really taking up most of my time and I haven't significantly touched any of my stories in weeks. Everyone's getting ignored, it seems. But it's completely unintentional! I don't know what's wrong with me! HOPE TO GET THAT DONE NEXT FRIDAY I'M SKIPPING CLASSES BECAUSE I'VE GONE TO EVERY CLASS AND MY BRAIN IS BREAKING.
And lordy there's something wrong with the second line of font... scrap it all together?
Love you all!
xoxo, Momma Love