Snowzi (Wallpaper Portfolio) Their Story

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Submission for the Anime Power Couples challenge!

So for this challenge I could have taken the easy route and made a nice wallie of Kirito & Asuna but I did one of those recently and I hate doubling up on wallies with the same characters or series (thats just a thing that I do, please ignore me) but I decided to make it a bit more of challenge and tried to come up with my own couple. Granted there are a million couples I could have chosen but I wanted one where both the guy and girl were strong characters and able to fend for themselves, hey I dont mind a little bit of the 'damsel in distress' stuff but for the most part I like a woman that can fight her own battles.

And so I was lead to good old Romeo and Juliet. My grandparents used to read a lot of Shakespeares work to me when I was little and its really stuck with me ever since, even to this day 20+ years later and I still love Shakespeare, with Romeo and Juliet forever being my favourite. While the anime has a more scifi twist I still love it as well, so very much ^_^

You want an anime power couple? Dangnamit I give you Romeo and Juliet!! >.<

As for the wallie... well I was originally working on a screen shot from the series but that failed miserably, over two weeks later and I wasnt even 1/4 way through it. Switch to the new scan and baddabing baddaboom it took me 5 nights to complete. Its amazing how much I could change the original image by moving their heads down a little (so they were looking at each other), making them smile, and changing J's eyebrows. Plus a pretty background too.

Original scan - Romeo Romeo
Plus background - 1 & Texture 1



Romeo x Juliet Wallpapers
Juliet Fiamatta Asto Capulet, Power couple, Romeo & Juliet, Romeo and Juliet, Romeo Candolebonte Montague, Romeo x Juliet
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Anime Power Couples

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