(Sometimes Scriptina font sucks when you're making a small image, I retained the font for "A" and used a different one for "lways" -_- Good thing, it still looked like the one I wanted!)
I've made this card sometime this February after trying to watch "Real School", a Korean sitcom about students studying in a school that specializes in English. I haven't finished watching it all though... -_-
It is inspired from one of the soundtracks: "Always" by U-KISS which I find very good and it relaxes me a lot. I took the title "Always" and put my favorite English line from the chorus, "you're my dream".
The ending part of the music video shows a very epic kissing scene and I like the way the camera turns around during that scene! ♥ I took the screenshot from the music video itself. I decided to make it focus on the lips and a little dreamy-like.
TEXTURE: dreamy texture by raregirl86
Dedicated to gaarasbro. Thanks for the sub! ^^