
Title Primadonna (Otaku Legend)
Birthday 12/23/95
Member Since 04/03/10
Guestbook 330 signatures
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Gifts yuuki fiedell: happy b-day hula-chan~ <33 rosses yuko9kost: Happy Birthday!>.< Sarasface: Happy birthday! Hope it's awesome! LGA775: Just couldn't resist when i saw ur roses LightFykki: Happy Valentine's day Brooke~! ^__^ Hanaro Souhi: Happy Birthday! ^ w ^ *hugs* : Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful one! ^^ LightFykki: Happy birthday Brooke~!!     ^____^ LightFykki: Here is a virtual rose for a real rose^^ gomdorri: :D FTW LightFykki: ^_______________________________^ ItachiSasuke: Congrats on your promotion~! ^__^ animegirl171: Happy Easter ! :) MFran: Thanks for the card <333 BabyD: Happy Valentines Day!! X3 LightFykki: Happy Valentine's to you too~! ^_^ DistantStar: Happy New Years, good luck in 2012! DistantStar: Awww, thank you, you're the best :) Ritona: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! AlexaClyne: Belated Happy B-day and Happy X-Mas! BabyD: Happy Bday and Merry Christmas!!! ^__^ Sarasface: Happy birthday! LightFykki: Happy birthday Brooke! :) ItachiSasuke: A ROSE for you~! ^_^ Take cares~! Kaerlyn: ^^ nice to hear from you again! LightFykki: One for your happiness! :)) Sarasface: Why, thank you! And one for you! SaxGirl: Congrats on placing 2nd!:) LightFykki: For being such a sweet and caring friend LightFykki: For the most awesome gift aaaaaand LightFykki: Thank you thank you thank you thank you LightFykki: Especially these, roses are always nice LightFykki: I don't send you enough gifts........... : You need more roses. *laughs* LightFykki: May the rose bloom in your life... :) LightFykki: Always, just to make you happier. :) LightFykki: A rose for an even more beautiful rose.. MiseryMiss: I love mah elderly hubu!! :D : *Huggles* <3 LightFykki: And one more rose, just for you......... LightFykki: You always know how to make me happier.. LightFykki: Aww, YOU are the best, sweety!!! :DD LightFykki: Y LightFykki: T LightFykki: E LightFykki: E LightFykki: W LightFykki: S LightFykki: Aw, that's really nice of you! :'D LightFykki: YOU'RE SO AMAZING!!!! :D LightFykki: Thanks for being always at my side! :)) LightFykki: It was thanks to you, that I made it.... LightFykki: Thank you sweety!!! ;D LightFykki: And the last one for you... my sweety!! LightFykki: But until then I can, roses will do. xD LightFykki: I would love to give you a heart, but... LightFykki: That I saw today... ;w;   Thank you!!! LightFykki: That was the sweetest thing.... fma17: Here you go, something sweet like you :) LightFykki: Happy Women's day, sweety! :)) LightFykki: ... I can give you flowers on this way! LightFykki: For you... if nothing, at least......... diamond9393anda: A flower for you ~~ LightFykki: Just because I was thinking on you...... LightFykki: THANK YOU SO MUCH, MY SWEETY! :D Blue Latte: Happy Valentine's day! ShiningHime: Happy Valentines Day! :3 LightFykki: Happy Valentine! Here is a rose and.... Elix3r: Happy Valentines Day!!! Morbid Dollie: Thank you for being so sweet! :3 Kc Inoue: Happy New Year! LightFykki: Happy happy birthday Brooke! ^__^ LightFykki: Thank you for eveything by now!:D : Thanks for making me part of your world : A lovely rose for a lovely lady~
Trophy Case Fan Art Trophy Wallpapers Trophy Fan Comics Trophy Cards Trophy Quizzes Trophy Comments Trophy
Medals Contestant - Challenge: little bit o\' country. Winner - Challenge: .•It is MY fetish•. Contestant - Challenge: CLOSEUP Contestant - Challenge: Religious Context Contestant - Challenge: Not all of it. Contestant - Challenge: Dedication to a friend Contestant - Challenge: Smile, it’s the {apocalypse} Contestant - Challenge: color palettes. Contestant - Challenge: Within Borders Contestant - Challenge: Within Borders Contestant - Challenge: Sell it to me. Winner - Challenge: weather you like it. Contestant - Challenge: An Image Within An Image Contestant - Challenge: My Favorite Reason Contestant - Challenge: My Favorite Reason Winner - Challenge: Twin cards Contestant - Challenge: It\'s not all Honey Contestant - Challenge: One Color - Make it Count (Color Splash) Contestant - Challenge: Words will show everything Contestant - Challenge: mixed messages. Contestant - Challenge: OH GOD NO! Contestant - Challenge: Everyone has a { secret } Contestant - Challenge: ♥~PRAY FOR JAPAN~♥ Contestant - Challenge: ♥~PRAY FOR JAPAN~♥ Contestant - Challenge: ♥~PRAY FOR JAPAN~♥ Creator - Retrospect! Contestant - Challenge: animal KINGdom Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: A word Contestant - Challenge: tough&rough Contestant - Challenge: K-Pop goodness. Contestant - Challenge: Super Heroes Contestant - Challenge: Super Heroes Contestant - Challenge: sweet Thing Contestant - Challenge: sweet Thing Contestant - Challenge: sweet Thing Creator - Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover Contestant - Challenge: Font Fun Winner - Challenge: { opposites attract } Contestant - Challenge: the forbidden dance. Contestant - Challenge: the forbidden dance. Contestant - Challenge: the forbidden dance. Contestant - Challenge: the forbidden dance. Winner - Challenge: One cannot live without the other Contestant - Challenge: I Can\'t Believe I Made This Winner - Challenge: Inspiration To Win The Fight Contestant - Challenge: Fashion Frenzy!! Contestant - Challenge: Fashion Frenzy!! Contestant - Challenge: Winter Wonderland Creator - The Mysteries of Bleach Winner - Challenge: Sweet Things Contestant - Challenge: How it all started. Contestant - Challenge: The Espada Contestant - Challenge: The Espada Contestant - Challenge: The Espada Contestant - Challenge: Otaku Host Club Contestant - Challenge: Bleach: ABCs Contestant - Challenge: Personalize Your Card Contestant - Challenge: Tell Me Where I Am... Contestant - Challenge: Bleach: The Smexiest Damn Card Ever! Contestant - Challenge: Music is life Contestant - Challenge: Music is life

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